Welcome to the mens scrapbooking club website. You may have noticed there is a lot of underlining in this welcome note. That’s because every single word is a link. Enjoy your time on the site. We will be updating it weekly, so feel free to treat this site like your home away from home. Just load this […]
Brand New The Men’s Scrapbooking Club Show! The Men’s Scrapbooking Club and Spaghetti Party team up for a collaboration of absurdist sketch comedy, video, interactive multi-media experience, and special live music guests Bellafonte! Make sure your smartphones are fully charged! Whence? Sunday, June 30th at 8pm. How: BYOB and BYO-camping chair and BYO-donations accepted. Location: […]
I have talked to a lot of people in the arts community in Wichita, KS and they tend to say the same thing…Wichita art scene is getting cooler and there is more to do than there is time to do it. Let this be a part of your Wichita experience. Come experience the Men’s Scrapbooking […]
Tim and Seth host a workshop on guerrilla marketing: low cost and no cost ideas to promote your shows and events. A high-energy, creative workshop that will demonstrate creative, attention-grabbing ideas that the Men’s Scrapbooking Club has implemented to promote shows, innovative concepts from around the country, and interactive brainstorming to create new ideas! Great […]
So, the set up of Wichitalks is to have each person speak for exactly 5 minutes on something they are passionate about (no plugging anything, just passion), and you get 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds. We couldn’t agree on what topic to cover, so each of us did our own…all at the same […]
I recently created a modishly swank Ad to raise awareness about oranges, similar to the “Got Milk” campaign that made people start drinking milk again virtually overnight. I sent it out to a number of orange groves and growers associations, without a single request for compensation mind you. Here’s an example email: […]
Try this: go to Google Translate and enter in the name of famed Flamenco singer “Camaron de la Isla” and select language Spanish. Then select as the translation language English. It should come out to something like “Shrimp of the island” as Spanish-speaking friend Hugo Zelada-Romero pointed out. Instead, Google Translate changes it to “Yusuf […]
Some notes I made on what I consider to be a pretty ethnocentric song:
This is the first letter I sent to Google: So then they responded to my letter requesting an email address to my actual email address: From: Katie Malkin <kmalkin@google.com> To: Tim Rogers <teneightfour@gmail.com> Hello Tim, We received a letter from you in which you requested an email address for “Tim Rogers 473 W 9th”. Unfortunately […]