Brent and I pretend to be conducting an interview so Cory accepts that I am video-ing Brent on my phone… Cory and the opossum make friends. The opossum is clearly a boy. Also, my phone is uncomfortably good at capturing hair. Click the Brent image to listen to the story on our recent podcast interview […]
Anyone who bought merchandise during the Website Launch party was entered into the raffle for a door prize at our recent show! The winner, Megan B., was reluctant to take it, but we helped her back to her table with it. She later left it outside the bar, but luckily local artist Bruce […]
The last of the known recorded skits: Special thanks to Linnebur and Miller for their delightful cooking and dispensing of fried eggs through out the show (Pictured in homepage link to this post) This is far and away one of my favorite skits that we have ever performed…I effin’ love doing this skit. -Tim You’ll […]